LNP Library - Celia Henderson
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The Library
Adobe give you a library in which to store re-usable assets – but the Library does so much more than just let you drag and drop textures and components on to your images. Create and save your own presets for image editing – come on this workshop just to learn about adjustments and then how you can combine them and save them for future projects. Creative people – you will love the pattern builder, line art features that are all built in to the library. Make or take your own textures and backgrounds and pop them in the library to quickly try out different backgrounds on your still lifes. Create and save text styles and gradients and drag them out when you need them. Put your favourite brushes in the library and then use them from any device – yes, the library is stored in the cloud and can be accessed or even shared with others. And you don’t have to be quiet.
The supporting & optional hand out is here: https://www.camversation.co.uk/product-page/hand-out-library-in-ps-celia-henderson