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ICM Exploration 2: Water - with Charlotte Bellamy


This link provides ACCESS only to the recorded talk, for two weeks. It does NOT permit download.


This ICM exploration series will encompass a wide variety of genres and subjects, within Intentional Camera Movement.


  • Session 1: Woodlands and trees
  • Session 2: Water
  • Session 3: Architecture
  • Session 4: Abstract and close up
  • Session 5: Animals!


From Charlotte

On the 18th November we continue the series with ‘water’. I First fell in love with ICM water photography while in South Africa 5 years ago. Although I don’t live anywhere near the sea (or have many waterfalls at my disposal in flat Holland) I love water ICM photography for the ability to play with movements that add drama or softness according to the feeling I want to bring to my images. Water can be challenging in ICM, because you are working with a moving subject matter, so I will be looking at various ways to work with this added factor.


This webinar will look at beach, sea and wave ICM, as well as rivers, waterfalls (of varying size) reflections and if all you have is a puddle….no excuse you can still have a go! The webinar will cover, the movement options, shutter speed, managing distractions, finding balance and so much more. Loads of images and some videos as examples to help this to be an immersive and valuable webinar, that you can take away lots that you can get started with immediately. Questions will be encouraged, so have those ready!


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