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Creative Techniques Workshop Aug 2024 With Valda Bailey [3-parts]

Creative Techniques Workshop Aug 2024 With Valda Bailey [3-parts]


Session 1: Beyond Replication - introduction to alternative techniques and how I use them

I will discuss the principles behind multiple exposure photography, how I use it, the issues that most frequently trip me up and ways in which I combine it with ICM, iPhoneography and even, on occasion, AI. This presentation covers multiple exposure techniques, a discussion about which subject matter is better suited to replication and the things I feel it is important to bear in mind when shooting this way.


Session 2: Harnessing the Imagination

Having broken free of what I felt were the shackles of photographic replication and all its rules, I now find myself confronted with an enormous number of interpretive opportunities. Throw a fertile - if somewhat meandering - imagination into the mix and the sky really is the limit.


I will talk about my editing process, how I select images to work on, deciding whether or not to work in single images or sets of images etc.  And - possibly most crucially - as I am no longer constrained by the colours or even the compositions that have been so thoughtfully provided by Mother Nature - where do I find my boundaries? What is it I am trying to say? If indeed I am trying to say anything at all.


Session 3: Originality Is For People With Short Memories

A discussion about looking back in order to find a way forward. Finding our direction - our creative voice - discovering who we are as artists and photographers. I will discuss those who have influenced me and chat about ways to broaden our horizons in order that we never fall into the trap of plagiarising our own work.

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