About this series:
THIS IS A SERIES WHICH IS RECORDED CONTENT. IT IS NOT BROADCAST LIVE - YOU CAN ACCESS IT ALL AT YOUR OWN PACE. SEE | TAKE | MAKE Photography and image editing is a three part process. See the scene, take the picture and make the image We’ll start at the end of the process by visualising the finished masterpiece. That directs us to the take stage, what equipment, lens, camera settings, backgrounds, compositions, lighting, do we need. And before you even click the shutter button, reflect on the features and magic that will make the masterpiece applied from the post processing software. And what are the approaches – high key/low key; multiple exposure/ICM; HDR/Black and White; dramatic or abstract; composite, panel, collection etc … Whether you are seeking to create a sharp botanical study, a still life, a competition entry or a dreamy watercolour painting, let me guide you through the “See, Take, Make” workflow. With each workshop putting seasonal flowers in the limelight, we will put our vision plan to the test and consider how to best capture the shot(s) and which tools will be required to complete the post processing workflow, so you are fully prepared and motivated to capture the tulips of spring, the sweet peas of summer, the glorious dahlias and rudbeckia of autumn and the resilient snowdrops in winter. This is a five-part Camversation LEARN workshop series, wherein all of the resources and image samples will be available in a simple, easy to access login on the website. You won't have any passwords or web addresses to remember!